The Olympics in Tokyo this summer involved a veritable goldmine of mathematics. Athletes competed to find out how fast they could cycle, swim, run, row, sail. How close they could get to a target. How...
Would you spend your summer vacation doing math? For some, this sounds like a crazy question. But not to the kids from Alpine, California who spent a week this summer at Math Mania. Why was...
When we assess our students’ math work, it seems like it’s part of our nature to want to come to the rescue and focus our attention on how we can help them fix their mistakes,...
I used to think that I was meeting students’ needs by putting them in different groups during math class. The “high” students would be in one group. They got to do the problem-solving tasks because...
I was at a math workshop one summer and the facilitator showed us a number line and asked us where one million would go. At first, I was stumped. My initial instinct was to place...
What does it mean to measure something? What decisions do we have to make when we measure something in the real world? The following questions and decisions are ones that we want children to ask...
There’s something intriguing about guessing games. The mystery of not knowing the answer and having to use clues to figure it out has always been something that motivates children. All I have to do is...
When I first started using Number Talks in the classroom, I would randomly choose problems for students to solve. I would ask them to think of different strategies for solving the problem, discuss with a...
Dice have been around for a long time. In fact, dice are the oldest gaming implements known to humankind. There are various claims for who actually invented dice. For example, Sophocles said that dice were...
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