About Susan
Susan Scharton was an elementary classroom teacher for twenty years, achieving her BA and teaching credential from the University of California, San Diego. When she felt her classroom mathematics program was sorely lacking, she pursued professional development to enhance her skills and knowledge, which led her to return to her alma mater and pursue her MA and EdD to study mathematics teaching and learning. She was hired as elementary faculty at the Department of Education Studies where she supervised credential candidates and taught English language arts methods and graduate seminars in mathematics teaching for 23 years.
Susan continues to enjoy working with students of all ages and is particularly interested in learning how students employ and communicate strategies for solving computation problems. She has presented at conferences and was a consultant for Math Solutions Professional Development for 15 years, supporting teachers across the country during one-week trainings and shorter workshops. In her free time, she enjoys sewing her own #MeMade wardrobe and knitting socks and sweaters.