About Lani
Lani Hsieh is in her 14th year as an educator. Her path in her career is driven by her passion for rich mathematical experiences in early education.
Lani is currently a Math Instructional Coach for the Poway Unified School District and serves teachers, students, and parents of TK-5th Grade. Her role as a coach includes providing professional development, co-teaching, leading lesson studies, and helping others build a philosophy that all students can learn and do well in math. Lani has been a speaker and presenter at various forums including The California Superintendents’ and Principals’ Task Force. Before becoming a math coach, Lani has taught grades 2nd-5th and served in many leadership roles as a teacher. She was named Teacher of the Year for Valley Elementary for the 2015-2016 school year. She is a member of the San Diego County Office of Education K-8 Math Leaders Network and The Greater San Diego Mathematics Council. Lani has her Masters Degree in Education and a Preliminary Administrative Credential. She hopes to one day work with teacher credential candidates or become a principal to further her mission for improved math instruction in the classroom.